今日の英単語: swamp (名詞、動詞) 沼、沼地。大量の水で沈める
The heavy rains swamped the fields.
I often shop at 100-yen stores like Daiso and Seria.
Among the items I buy, there are some that I really like and want to buy repeatedly. However, when I visit the store again after some time, I often find that the product is no longer available.
At first, I assume it’s just temporarily out of stock, so I wait a while and check again, but it’s still not there. Even if I search for it on their online shop, it doesn’t show up.
Eventually, I have no choice but to conclude that they’ve stopped selling that product altogether.
It seems that products that are no longer carried after a relatively short time are quite common at 100-yen stores.
This is just my guess, but maybe it’s because of something like a breakeven point. Factors like the situation with imports, foreign exchange rates, or fluctuations in the cost of raw materials might affect it.
Or perhaps, while I might like the product, its popularity may have decreased overall, leading them to stop carrying it.
I’m not sure of the exact reasons, but there are quite a few products that just disappear.
For example, things like keychains or small storage containers. There have been times when I wanted to buy another keychain I liked and went back to the store, only to find it was completely gone.
That’s why recently, if I find a product I like and think I might want to buy more of it in the future, I try to purchase a few extras while they’re still available.